If you don't find an answer to your question feel free to contact me and we will respond as soon as possible!
At this time we can only ship to the United States and its territories. Shipping in mainland US* is flat rate based on total spent.
Economy | $.01 - $14.99 | 5 to 8 business days | $5.00 |
Economy | $15.00–$29.99 | 5 to 8 business days | $10.00 |
Economy | $30.00–$99.99 | 5 to 8 business days | $12.00 |
Economy | $100.00–$149.99 | 5 to 8 business days | $15.00 |
Economy | $150.00 and up | 5 to 8 business days | Free |
HI, AK & Territories: We reserve the right to bill addresses in Hawaii, Alaska and US territories for unusually high shipping costs. Packages are limited to 10 lbs. Please email us as info@scentmemoryfragrance.com to confirm shipping cost.
For our Canadian Friends, we highly recommend Shippsy.com as a package forwarder. UPS charges very high brokerage fees and duty on oils even if they are manufactured in the United States. Shippsy will not charge these fees if a commercial invoice showing the oil origin is provided. We are happy to provide this upon request. You are responsible to ensure all import regulations are followed, including documentation and product approval. SMLLC is responsible only for delivery to a US domestic address and consider orders closed once delivery confirmation is received.
International Shipping
At this time SMLLC only ships within the United States and its territories. We are responsible only for delivery to a US domestic address and consider orders closed once delivery confirmation is received.
Shipping Policy
SMLLC ships orders through the United States Postal Service and UPS. All orders are assigned tracking numbers which are transmitted to the customer within 24 hours of shipping.
Orders that are marked as delivered by the shipping carrier are considered complete. SMLLC is not responsible for stolen or missing packages after the carrier conveys delivered status. Individuals should work with their local post office or UPS location to identify exact location of delivery.
Returned Packages
In the event of a returned package due to undeliverable location, customer refusal or incorrect address, SMLLC will send the customer and invoice for redelivery. If this is not paid, a refund on the purchase will be made minus the original delivery fee.
Damaged Packages
In the event of a damaged package please contact info@scentmemoryfragrance.com with pictures of the packaging and the product, with a description of and the extent of the damage. This is required for SMLLC to file a shipping damage claim.
Q: What types of fragrance oil do you offer?
A: We offer fragrance oils that are specially formulated for candle and soap/body usage. You can find the IFRA and usage information for every oil in their individual listings.
All fragrance oils are formulated to be phthalate free.
Q: How much fragrance oil should I use in my product?
A: This depends on both the IFRA recommended usages and the usage percentage recommended for your product. Please follow all recommended guidelines and ensure you test products for usability and safety prior to distributing them. Scent Memory does not warranty or accept responsibility for how the product is used once it leaves our facility.
Q: What is your return policy?
A. Please find our return policy HERE
Q: Where are you located?
A: We are in the suburbs of Minneapolis, MN